ABOUT ALYSSA AUBREY Alyssa Aubrey – Executive Director of Medicine Horse Ranch
Alyssa Aubrey, CEIP-ED is the Founder and Executive Director of Medicine Horse Ranch, an educational experiential learning center incorporating horses in leadership development. She is a bestselling author, horse assisted educator, empowerment speaker and business consultant with over thirty years of experience as both educator and entrepreneur, serving 7500 + clients to date. Alyssa is the HorseDream®USA license holder. Alyssa and her team of certified facilitators offer HorseDream® leadership programs designed specifically for teams, businesses and corporations. She has developed nationally recognized curriculum that includes best practices and core principles for the field, providing hands on training, course work and experiential learning through coaching and internship participation at Medicine Horse Ranch. Alyssa served as Chair for the CBEIP (Certified Board for Equine Interactive Professionals), from 2017-2022. CBEIP is the only national credentialing body for horse/human mental health and education practitioners. She is past President of the Novato Horsemen Inc, part of the Marin County community since 1942. The club is currently one of the largest horsemen associations in California. Alyssa is the co-author of the bestselling book,” The Road to Success” with Jack Canfield. The book is currently available on Amazon.com, BN.com (Barnes and Noble) as well as many other online bookstores. |